About SWA
SGMA Water Analytics, Inc., also known as “SWA”, is a secure communications company specializing in data management and monitoring services for growers, landowners, dairy farmers, and others managing water in California under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).
Amidst regulatory requirements, droughts, and declining groundwater levels, accurate water-use data leads to financial savings and the long-term success of farming operations. SWA provides our clients with the data and tools they need to make informed, wise water management decisions.
Data Security
SWA encrypts client data, transmits it through secure sensors, and never shares individual data unless directed by the client.
SWA supplies unique SIM cards in client’s telemetry devices which will use the best signal available at all times. If one cell tower goes down or is under maintenance, the telemetry device will use a different, nearby provider.
This means clients will not experience lapses in data collection due to poor signal quality and can trust the accuracy of their water use information provided by SWA. Our broad bandwidth also allows us to provide reliable monitoring services to clients managing water in rural communities.
Client Portal
When an individual becomes a SWA client (through the installation of telemetry and signing of a data management contract), the new client will receive a welcome email. This welcome email will include a unique username and password allowing the individual to log into their client portal.
Once clients have followed the instructions in the welcome email to set up their secure account, they can log into the client portal at any time.
Clients can access the portal through the "Client Portal" link on the SWA website at: https://sgmawa.com/client-portal
The SWA Client Portal allows you to securely access and manage their water use data. The client portal provides intuitive visualization, powerful data analysis, and seamless integration capabilities. In the portal you can:
Analyze your current water usage for each well
Review historical water usage to identify issues, or areas where greater efficiencies could be implemented to save water & energy.
Evaluate water usage through visual charts and export data into CSV files (Excel files) or PDFs.
Review well information.
Locate your monitored well(s) on an interactive map (in development, coming soon).
Make payments for monitoring services (in development, coming soon).
Participate in water marketing and banking programs (coming 2025).
Mobile App
The SWA Portal iPhone app can be found by searching for “SWA Portal” in the App Store or by clicking here.
The SWA Portal app is available to download on Androids by searching “SWA Portal” in the Google Play store app or by clicking here.
Clients can view the same data on the SWA Portal App as is available on the desktop version of the Client Portal.
Contacting SWA
Clients can reach SWA customer service by emailing clientservices@sgmawa.com or calling 206-339-1258. For technical support you can also email techsupport@sgmawa.com.
©SGMA Water Analytics